As part of her fellowship through the Ford-Mozilla Open Web program, Maya Wagoner worked with a group of young people in the Brownsville Community Justice Center's Tech Lab internship program "to educate ourselves on networks and how data travels, both from a technical perspective, and from a civic and political perspective."
The 16-week program in the spring of 2018 involved reading Building Consentful Tech and investigating the ways that consent (or a lack thereof) relates to their lives:
Members of the group quickly recognized their own personal examples, such as nudes being shared without consent, videos of after school fights being non-consensually taken and shared with school authorities, and text messages being secretly screenshotted and used against them.
Maya Wagoner, "Democratizing Tech Education at the Brooklyn Public Library"
The group also created paper prototypes of consentful alternatives to technologies they use on a daily basis.
The program culminated with the group presenting a session called “Young People Building Cultures of Consent In Technology” at the Allied Media Conference in Detroit.
Read Maya's reflections on teaching and learning community technology in Democratizing Tech Education at the Brooklyn Public Library (9 minute read).